Les Dames STL Food Lit 📙 Food Lit 🍝
Event Info
- Wednesday, May 03, 2023
- 6:00 pm
- Home of Ces & Judy
- Address will be in the confirmation
- St Louis, MO 63131
- Add to Google Calendar
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Join us for the relaunch of the STL Dames Food Lit book club!
This month we have chosen to read and discuss “Taste: My Life Through Food” by Stanly Tucci
A NYTimes favorite for 2023 >>>
If you love to read and love food, please join us as friends, STL Dames style.
Don’t worry about eating. We will have a Mushroom Frittata, some salad and bread with some wine and maybe a special cocktail? Maybe some cookies too.
Please RSVP by April 30th., so we can be sure that we all will have something to eat!
From our gracious hostess Judy Bellos