Green Tables
Launched in 2006 as a Les Dames d’Escoffier International (LDEI) farm-to-fork outreach initiative, Green Tables (GT) programming has explored and expanded crucial relationships between LDEI members and the farms and farmers, restaurants and chefs, kitchen tables, and home cooks who comprise their local and regional food systems. The form of these efforts has primarily been technical assistance and education, while the audiences have been quite diverse. From consumers at farmers’ markets to teachers and students at K-12 schools, from culinary students and peer education among Dames about sustainable food sourcing, food waste, and much more – Green Tables has had an impact across countless Chapter communities for nearly 15 years.
Since 2008, Green Tables has been a core program for LDEI St Louis.
Our programs that highlight local farmers and food sourcing include our bi-annual Flavors in a Bag and participation in Food Day in October. The upcoming Junior Chef competition in early 2022 will pit students in an Iron Chef-style contest featuring local produce and products.